Wordpress bootstrap builder
Wordpress bootstrap builder

This plugin supports Bootstrap v4 and v5.

  • Alignment: Horizontal alignment of the button.
  • Open in new tab: Choose if link should be opened in a new tab.
  • wordpress bootstrap builder

    Style: Choose the styling of the button.Padding: Define padding inside the column.Otherwise use the Alignment option of the outer row block. This option is only needed if a background color is set. Content vertical alignment: Align content vertically in column.Background Color: Set background color to column.Equal width for all breakpoints (xxl, xl, lg, md, sm, xs): If enabled column will spread width evenly with other columns.Sizes for all breakpoints (xxl, xl, lg, md, sm, xs): How much space the column should use for the given breakpoint.CSS Grid Gutters: Size of gutters when CSS grid is used.Vertical Gutters: Size of vertical gutters.Horizontal Gutters: Size of horizontal gutters.Editor stack columns: Displays stacked columns in the editor to enhance readability of block content.Vertical Alignment: Vertical alignment of inner column blocks.Alignment: Horizontal alignment of inner column blocks.No Gutters: Disable gutters between columns.Template: Choose from a predefined template for the inner column blocks.Margin After: Define a margin which should be added after the container.The container will use 100% of the width until the specified breakpoint is reached, after which the defined max-widths will apply for each of the higher breakpoints. This feature only works with Bootstrap v4.4+. Fluid Breakpoint: Used to enable responsive containers.

    Wordpress bootstrap builder full#

    Fluid: If enabled the container will use the full available width, spanning the entire width of the viewport.The full documentation of this plugin can be found on GitHub: Available Blocks Block templates can be overwritten in your theme.Configuration via option page or programmatically with constants.This plugin adds Bootstrap components and layout options as Gutenberg blocks.

    wordpress bootstrap builder wordpress bootstrap builder

    Bootstrap Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress.

    Wordpress bootstrap builder